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NEMA Steps To Evaluating Water Damaged Equipment

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Ensuring Resilience: NEMA Guidelines for Evaluating Water-Damage in Electrical Equipment

Leviton: Empowering Contractors for Safe and Resilient Restoration

As contractors, your dedication to safety and quality is crucial during emergency situations. Adhering to NEMA guidelines and the steps outlined below will enable you to make well-informed decisions when evaluating water-damaged electrical equipment. Remember that the safety of you, your team, and building occupants is key, and qualified professionals should conduct all evaluation and restoration work.

The Importance of Emergency Preparedness

Natural disasters and emergencies can strike at any moment, causing substantial damage to properties and electrical systems. In times of crisis, ensuring the safety and functionality of electrical equipment becomes paramount. Leviton is here to equip you with essential knowledge on emergency preparedness and the proper evaluation of water-damaged electrical equipment, as defined by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).

In the face of hard times, preparation can make all the difference. As a contractor, having an emergency preparedness plan is crucial not only for your own safety but also for safeguarding the structures you build and the people who inhabit them.

To help you navigate through these challenging situations, we've compiled valuable insights from NEMA, an authoritative organization in the electrical manufacturing industry.

NEMA Guidelines for Evaluating Water Damage in Electrical Equipment

Step 1: Identifying the Water Source

The initial step in the evaluation process involves identifying the source of water and taking into account the duration of exposure and the presence of contaminants. These factors hold importance in determining whether equipment needs replacement or can be reconditioned. The severity of water damage directly influences the overall assessment and subsequent restoration procedures.

Step 2: Conducting the Evaluation

To assess the extent of equipment damage, the evaluation process entails visual observations of the affected components, operational tests, and performance testing. It is important that only qualified individuals carry out this. A proper evaluation serves as the foundation for making well-informed decisions regarding the next steps in the restoration process.

Step 3: Reaching Out to the Manufacturer

In cases where uncertainties arise or specific recommendations are required, reaching out to the original equipment manufacturer becomes key. Supply the manufacturer with all the relevant information gathered during Steps 1 and 2, including product labels, identifying marks, and any available photos or videos. Remember that attempting to recondition equipment without consulting the manufacturer can potentially introduce additional hazards. Seeking their expertise ensures a safer and more effective restoration process.

Step 4: Relying on NEMA Guidelines

To gain further insights and manufacturer recommendations, make sure to refer to the official NEMA Evaluating Water-Damaged Electrical Equipment Guidelines.

Step 5: Collaborating with Local Authority Having Jurisdiction

Engage in close collaboration with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction to determine the necessary permitting and inspection requirements. Ensuring compliance with local regulations is key to guaranteeing the safety and legality of the entire restoration process.

Step 6: Deciding on Equipment Replacement or Reconditioning

After a thorough evaluation and considering the recommendations from both the manufacturer and NEMA guidelines, it's time to make well-informed choices regarding whether to replace or recondition the water-damaged electrical equipment. This step must be undertaken exclusively by qualified personnel. Their expertise will guarantee the equipment's optimal performance and, most importantly, the safety of those who rely on it.

For further resources and insights, Leviton provides the Emergency Preparedness Professional Guide, designed to help you navigate emergency situations effectively. You can find it, along with other valuable resources, on our website.