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LED Lighting Controls in Healthcare Applications

Spec-Ready and Code Compliant

LED lighting controls for healthcare

LED Lighting Controls in Healthcare Applications

Leviton delivers spec-ready and code compliant LED lighting control solutions. Design and specify your next health care application with confidence. Create more efficient spaces that improves patient experience, enhances staff’s ability to provide care, and promotes health and well-being while meeting energy code requirements.

Designed to comply with energy code requirements for IECC, ASHRAE 90.1, and Title 24, Part 6, Leviton simplifies specifying, designing, and selecting solutions. Offering a complete architectural and energy management solution scalable for any application, Leviton is here to help you every step of the way with system design, product selection, and customer service.

VerifEye Submetering Solutions

Measure, monitor, and manage energy usage to meet energy codes and improve bottom lines. Meter energy consumption from individual lighting circuits and HVAC panel to entire building. Use energy data to identify additional energy saving opportunities.

High-Bay / Low-Bay Fixture Mount Sensors

Ideal for meeting code required lighting reduction requirements when the space is not active. Areas can be independently controlled and turned ON/OFF or partial-OFF based on occupancy.

Sensing Controls

Fixtures can be integrated with sensors to dim lighting to 50% to meet code compliance for egress lighting; automatically turn lights to partial-OFF and partial-ON based on occupancy for safety and energy savings.

GreenMAX DRC Room Control System

Simplified distributed control for localized multi-zone control; incorporates color tuning strategies to promote healing and wellbeing and provide a simple user interface for patients to control the lighting in their rooms and delivers a simple user interface for staff to control the lighting in the room to meet the intent of the space and perform essential functions.

Lumina RF Wireless Devices

Adds wireless control for any ON/OFF, 0-10V and phase cut dimming application to easily meet the unique lighting control needs of any space for simple switching, dimming, sensing and scene control.

Sapphire Touch Screen

Customizable user interface allows multiple tabs with button and slider controls to set lighting scenes to match different times of the day as well as access multiple patient rooms.

GreenMAX Relay Panels

Schedule interior and exterior lights to turn ON and OFF using advanced scheduling based on hours of operation; includes native BACnet for BMS integration.

GreenMAX DRC Room Control System

Simplified distributed control for localized multi-zone control; incorporate color tuning strategies to promote healing and wellbeing and provide a simple user interface for patients to control the lighting in their rooms.

Smart Wallbox Sensors

Simple sensing and dimming with additional app-configurable capabilities for occupancy/vacancy mode, adjustable timeouts, partial-ON/ partial-OFF timeouts, enable the photocell for daylight harvesting.

LED Lighting Controls


VerifEye Submetering Solutions

Measure, monitor, and manage energy usage to meet energy codes and improve bottom lines. Meter energy consumption from individual lighting circuits and HVAC panel to entire building. Use energy data to identify additional energy saving opportunities across multiple branches.

Submetering solutions

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